The latest news from Woolley Animals

July 2024 - The holiday season begins with a black female alpaca cria born to mum Katie and Dad Timmy just before we open for the Summer season, mum needed a little help at first but now doing well, she will be known as 'Charlotte'

August 2024 - Nettie pops out a lovely male cria, father is Quester and we have called him 'Amos' - dad is a leopard apalloosa and we think Amos might be an unusual harlequin colour (time will tell) and we're sure he'll be a popular walker for next year's team

May 2024 - 14th May 2024. Our beautiful Miniature Shetland Charlie 'Keensacre Gandalf the Grey' was put to sleep today age 4 after a tragic turn of events.  Sadly Charlie slipped in the mud fracturing his pelvic bones late last year and whilst he recovered somewhat it was clear that his pelvis had misaligned and he would never be able to walk without discomfort.  The kindest thing was to let him go, this broke our hearts and he will not be forgotten.  No more pain our beautiful boy, Rest in Peace beautiful Charlie x

April 2024 - Spring is truly here and there are goat kids everywhere.  We thought February was bad but April bought huge deluges of rain.  It's a good job we resurfaced the car park, enabling us to stay open, the tractor rides were not operable but will be back for the Summer months. We hope you will join us!

March 2024 - it's not just about kids but we've had lots of goat kids born, first Caz & Dave, then Pancake, Valentine and curly eared Stitch.  Sadly we lost our female goat Mabel from complications after birthing twins.  Only one twin survived, baby Myrtle - she's a bottle feed and proving a real hit with customers. Then a little boy for CeCe on 30th March and a girl on Easter Sunday for Willow. 

February 2024 - we are kidding!!! - we started our kidding season with the pygmy goat girls, first Roxy had twins, Caz & Dave, followed by little pancake who was born on Shrove Tuesday to Dotty and another girl born to Buttercup.... yet to be named.   One 16th February Stuart and Michele assisted Sophie in the birth of her beautiful Anglo Nubian triplets, two girls and a boy! 

December 2023 - we've had a fantastic Christmas festive period with Christmas markets every weekend in December

Also appearing for the first time this year, Santas Grotto..... this will be a regular feature each year.

July 2023 - our mums are still producing babies, we've got Valais Blacknose girls and boys in the shed along with pygmy goats, chicken, lambs and guinea pigs.  Our animals move and change regularly and we try and keep a lot of animals outside in the fresh air during the school holidays.  We're now open form 10am to 4pm days throughout the Summer.  We are closed on 2nd August to attend North Devon Show.

June 2023 - a busy time of year at Venton, in a few weeks we will be welcoming members of the public to our holiday opening.  This month we have changed providers for our holiday cottages, you can now find us with Toad Hall and book here

May 2023 - Welcome Home boys! can you spot Will, Tom, Lenny & Laurie the goats?  Will-i-am & Tom Jones were born raised by Woolley Animals and rehomed to our friends in Buckland Brewer.  Having a house move pending, the boys have come back to us with their two new friends Lenny and Laurie for a 'holiday'. you'll probably notice that Will is as big as the alpacas! 

April 2023 - this Easter, guests turned up in the hope of cuddling babies and they weren't disappointed.  With the arrival of new babies including our first goat triplets, we turned the barn into cuddle corner. Guests could choose from newborn lambs, goat kids or chicks. We also showed off Frizz the chicken, hatched at Christmas 2022 and who we now believe is a girl! 

March 2023 - Very sadly all 6 of our baby bunnies were taken very suddenly by the recent outbreak of RHDV2 which is a terrible disease amongst rabbits with the ability to wipe out breeding colonies very quickly.

We advise your rabbit is vaccinated from this terrible disease which can survive for up to 3 months.  It can survive on surfaces, can be carried by other animals and clothing and is also transmitted as an airborne virus.  The virus does not affect guinea pigs.  If you have any doubt please consult your vet.

March 2023 - Hey Dave, why the long face?..... Regular visitors will know the resident donkeys - Jess and her son Dave. Dave was removed from mum just before surgery.  One hour after surgery and still in recovery, naughty Dave jumped the fence and decided to live with the alpaca boys. Fortunately, he is no trouble and was soon returned to mum who's been calling for him. If you visit you'll be sure to hear them both bray! - they know you have food.

February 2023 - After the half term visitors left we took some time out to take the alpacas to the seaside to visit a care home.  Dartagnan, Duke, Jimmy, Rufus & Timmy came along.  Our boys went up in the lift to visit upper residents who even managed some carrot kissing! all great fun......

February 2023 - We experienced a record number of visitors for February half term week, guests got full advantage of our off season alpaca walking deal, they saw our newest arrivals, we had a bear delivered and we said goodbye to employee Josh! 

January 2023 - Are you kidding? Yes we are!!!! Twin girls for Peggy. A lovely little pygmy kid for Buttercup who is co-parenting with Roxy who sadly lost her little girl and cross breed Sophie came in with twin girls - which will provide lots of opportunity for milking demonstrations

Christmas 2022 - a magical Winter Wonderland - what an amazing time we had for Christmas this year.  The staff did us proud with their festive fancy dress, we introduced new lighting displays, a festive Winter Wonderland Christmas scene, the usual light up displays and festive fair and early December we received a present from Santa in the form of Buddy the little goat orphan who kept everyone entertained with his antics at the Christmas markets..... a big success in difficult circumstances with freak snow and ice, burst pipes, floods and Covid outbreaks but we go there in the end! 

September - Autumn update 2022 - Summer fun has come and gone at Woolley Animals. We've had an amazing response to our new additions, lots of new and returning visitors and our tractor rides have proved very popular.  Sadly we lost one or two animals this Summer.  Tragically Duchess our 5 day old cria was affected by an insect bite and died of toxic shock. We've also had some new arrivals such as the nubian goat girls and the lovely Rhea who are still growing like weeds!  You might think the animals are resting but we're still open weekends and school holidays and they're focussing on being awesome for our Winter activities, October half term and the build up to our Christmas season which will be bigger and better this year. Watch this space!

August 2022 - at the end of our Summer season we always have some animals available for sale as sadly there isn't room to keep everyone.  Right now we have dwarf lionhead rabbits  / goat kids and Swiss valais sheep.  If you are interested in buying any of our livestock then please get in touch 01769 520300

June 2022 - Beautiful little Lillibet was born to mum Megan and after a traumatic few days where mum had to undergo a caesarian birth and prolapse after care,  baby had to have a plasma transfusion.  We are so lucky that the wonderful Vets at Torch Farm & Equine really know their stuff and she is now thriving after their care

May 2022 - we are pleased to confirm that Tractor and Trailer rides around our lake and bottom fields will be new for Summer 2022 for a small additional fee - All Aboard!!!

April 2022 - This lovely pygmy goat was born in early April, to mum Peggy Mitchell he is called 'Phil'.  Sadly mum rejected Phil but he is now a firm favourite amongst guests and will not be going anywhere.  See more of Phil's antics in this clip  

Here's another girl rejected by her mum, she went to a lovely new home later in the month.

March 2022 - we brought home a beautiful grey standard donkey that we called Jess.  A few weeks after arriving, Jess settled in well and produced the most beautiful donkey foal.... he is known as Dave.  We adore him and so does Jess x

March 2022 - In March we welcomed early kid goats and by the end of April the place was full of them.  Always good to see the kids flying around, goat variety and human.  They are all very cute!

February 2022 - The mum's and babies prepared for the guests to return. Our first day open Saturday 5th February 2022 was very busy!  The guests said they loved seeing the lambs with their mums, some lucky guests even took part in bottle feeding - and the dog display with puppy Harvey was also a big success!

February 2022 - Cuteness overload! In December, we welcomed a new arrival to our canine gang.  The beautiful black labrador puppy, Harvey Woolley - named after Harvester tractor.  Harvey is only 3 months old and still finding his place in the pack but already a big hit with visitors where he made his debut in the dog display last weekend.  We try and do the dog display in the middle of every day we are open. Come and visit us to meet them all!

January 2022 - Bye mum! I'm off to join the big boys..... This month we weaned our little alpaca boys.  Quester joined us from Mullacott and our two younger boys Duke and Archie were separated from mums so that they can join the big boys in preparation for training for the walking team! Introductions went very well, look out for them in training updates soon. 

January 2022 - we were contacted recently by a local lady who wanted to downsize her rabbit collection.  Wow! these are Giant Continental bunnies and they are huge!  They are only babies at the moment but growing fast. They will be resident here, not for sale and something for you to look at while you enjoy your picnic.  For now they are inside the bunny barn but judging by the size of them they won't be in there for long! Watch out for our Easter name the bunny competition ....

December 2021 - Christmas 2021 also saw the arrival of a very special alpaca.  Our thanks to Mullacott Alpacas for allowing us to have Quester, a beautiful appaloosa stud male who will hopefully become the sire of our future breeding herd. This little boy is only six months old and is currently getting used to our two little boys.  He will eventually join the walking team for meet, greet and walking duties - he will be the stud boy when the girls are ready to mate next year. Welcome handsome boy!

Christmas Markets 2021 - Wow Christmas at Woolley Animals was amazing!  We visited Rosemoor for the Children's Hospice Santa's on The Run which raised lots of money for charity.  Every weekend and for three weekdays leading up to Christmas we had fun in the festive barn.  You could turn yourself into a snow character, cuddle animals, take selfies with alpacas or just enjoy the crafts being offered by local crafting stallholders in the Christmas market.  Of course there was cake and luxury hot chocolate, who doesn't need this at Christmas!!! 

October 2021 - Still plenty going on at the farm, animals to get ready for the Winter, mating time for sheep and goats.  We've also improved our technology by adding an online booking link - it's working really well.  You can find the link here.....

September 2021 - oh my goodness, this little cutie came to live with us!  Meet Sid the sheepdog, a most welcome addition to the Woolley Animals flock and it's like he's always been here, he's fitted into the sheepdog demonstrations really well and the staff have fallen in love with him - like all the working dogs, this one is Stuart's little boy and will be trained for sheepwork, keep watching for Sid's adventures and to see if he grows into those ears! 

Summer 2021 - April saw the opening of our Farm park - everyone said 'can we just come and look at the animals' so we thought, why not? the first season saw lots of interest and the start of lots of repeat visitors.   We are very grateful and we are now open weekends and school holidays 10am to 4pm all year round.

March 2021 - Spring has sprung at Venton Farm.  With the first Valais lambing finished in January, these babies are a few weeks old now and we've started our second pure valais lambing.  Babies that are available for sale will be ready to go at 3 months old and will be advertised on our livestock for sale page....... and its also kidding time, lots of baby goats for sale later in the year!

February 2021 - these two are beautiful Miniature Shetland Ponies who were born in 2020 at the Miniature Pony Centre - little girl Dora (left) and Gandalf the Grey (right) they will live happily here at Woolley Animals, alongside our miniature donkeys and we can't wait for visitors to see them - more tiny animals!

January 2021 - we have been joined by two beautiful new arrivals, Hugo on the left and his little friend Reuben are beautiful Mediterranean Miniature Donkeys, I can't tell you how cute and how tiny they are!  Absolutely adorable x

December 2020 - our early Christmas present...... 

We've just brought home Little Jimmy and Nimbus Neville (the grey), future stars at Woolley Animals.  They're currently front of house just finding their feet before they start their walking training. Thanks to our friends at Mullacott Alpacas for these two beauties.

October 2020 - coming soon!

we're counting down the days until these gorgeous little ponies come to join us! Matilda on the left is a part bred American Miniature Pony and Gandalf on the right is a Miniature Shetland - coming soon!

October 2020 - Coming out of this awful year  

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone.  This year we lost 4 of our beautiful boys to disease, we were unable to launch our holiday let business on time and we couldn't welcome any visitors for nearly 6 months, it was a very difficult time for us.  We know we are not the only ones who suffered but luckily we were able to make changes to our business to ensure that we survived, the animals didn't suffer and we are still around when things return to normal, whenever that is! on a more positive note, we filmed a documentary for #60seconddocs to show the value of alpacas as therapy, we experienced some very special moments with friends at North Devon Hospice and we welcomed lots of beautiful new lives to our animal family. you can find the video here:-

September 2020 - Goats milk soap for sale

With kind permission of Myrtle the Goat and her owner Tracy, we are delighted to be working in partnership with The Dirty Old Goat Soap Company to produce beautiful goats milk soap using milk from our beautiful milking girls, Daisy, Bibi and Gypsy. Available to buy in our shop or call us on 01769 520300

Welcome to the family.....

August 2020 - we welcome the beautiful Morwelham Bibi and her nephew the beautiful Morwelham Red (he will be known as Gary).  Bibi is going to provide goats milk.  Gary is going to be our next stud boy. 

We're back trekking.... 

July 2020 - leaving lockdown.  We're back walking again and we've created a new brighter walking route.  Still walking around our own land and woodland and lake setting but around a purpose pathway so that both you and the alpacas are happy and calm. Everyone so far has given it the thumbs up! - we walk throughout the year and spaces fill fast so call us as soon as you can 01769 520300

May 2020 - We are so sorry to have to tell you that due to a recent short illness we have lost two beautiful boys. Our lovely boy Phoenix was taken at the end of April and our beautiful Ernie fought hard but lost his fight for life last night. RIP Phoenix & Ernie - two kind gentle souls who will be greatly missed 

February 2020 - Isn't it time you took a break?  Would you like to live on a working farm? chill out? visit the animals whenever you want?  Get a discount on our 3 hour alpaca & animal experience?  Well now you can, visit our holiday lets page to find out more about our holiday accommodation. Honeysuckle Cottage or Rose Cottage.... see you there! 

January 2020 - the boys are back in town.  Following clear health tests our three boys, Yeti, Rocket and Ziggy are back from their holidays at The Miniature Pony Centre and reporting for duty, Yeti has already led his first walk in the rain, Rocket is waiting to join a new home and Ziggy is having further training to get him back in the walking team. Good boys!

New Year - New Life ! - our lambing shed has been busy since October 2019.  These are three of our gorgeous babies from left to right, Wilma, Steve and one of our valais crosses. These babies all have new homes and will stay with us until they are ready to leave mum.  We have waiting lists for all our stock so give us a call if you're interested in anything.

October 2019 - We have some very important news to share.  Following our horrendous year in 2018 when we were struck down with TB and lost four of our beautiful boys we took the decision to voluntarily test our herd. Therefore, after receiving results we are pleased to announce that we are clear.  This is a great step forward and a positive outcome for us.  We've learnt so much on our TB journey.  This disease has no cure and no vaccination at the moment.  Unlike cattle, there is no requirement to test alpacas but we think it is the responsible thing to do.  We look forward to seeing progress in eradicating this disease and having a vaccine available in the future. 

August 2019 - beautiful goodbyes today as these two go off to their new homes, Mickey the Valais Blacknose off to a new home on Exmoor.  Doug 'the Thug' famous for cuddling the postman, wandering and jumping 6ft fencing, our beautiful and very loving goat who has gone to a 5* home too where we know he will be safe and happy.... this makes us happy! - good luck both of you xx

August 2019 - Welcome the Tavistock 7.... these lovely girls in-kid joined us from a goat dairy in Tavistock and will have their babies here with us.  The day they arrived, Flora gave birth to lovely Stevie, now we're waiting for her friends to kid as little Stevie can't wait for someone to play with! 

August - 2019 - so sorry to have to tell you that our beautiful Golden Guernsey goat Violet has died.  Violet was our first Golden from Morwelham Golden Guernseys and gave us beautiful Pickle and Lily.  She loved chilling with the alpacas but sadly she has left us with her beautiful twins, Dave and Trigger. We will look after them for her.... RIP Violet, a goat legend x

July 2019 - Sadly, we have had some casualties this month.  One of our beautiful Ryeland sheep and one of our favourite Valais ewes Brenda. Brenda was a beautiful Valais who always blessed us with amazing lambs.  She had a cancerous tumour which we had been monitoring and had been retired from breeding.  When she showed signs of pain we felt it was kinder to end her suffering. It's never an easy thing to do but it is the right thing..... RIP beautiful Woolley Brenda, you were one of the best and we won't ever forget you xx

June 2019 - here come the girls! We heard about little Calypso Katie (left) bred by our friends at Mullacott Alpacas. She was poorly at birth and needed vet intervention, sadly when she returned to her mum she was rejected. Mullacott Alpacas started bottle feeding her and then they realised that lovely Ninette was allowing her to feed with her own cria (Demi Bubbles). Nettie also had her cria from the previous year (Megan), quite the little we bought all four of them! Watch for updates on their progress..... 

May 2019 - Are you kidding? - no we're not... or yes we are! ... these are the first kids born at Venton Farm, this one is Duke - son of Daisy (held by Stuart), we also have, Tiger, Rodney, Delboy, Trigger & Dave (twins on left)

May 2019 - May is turning out to be a very busy month, bringing in a new stud male and a llama, relocating the business, all we need now are some lovely girls to even up the numbers? Hmmm..... watch this space......

May 2019 - a very exciting time for us as on 17th May we moved the business to new premises at Venton Farm, Winkleigh.  Moving to a house with more acres and two beautiful holiday lets to give us much more opportunity to grow the business and welcome visitors to live amongst the animals.  Chill out in this beautiful location! 

May 2019 - this lovely boy is Mullacott Much Ado - he's a young Leopard Apalloosa who is going to be the new stud at Woolley Animals.  He's less than a year old at the moment but look how beautiful he is in full fleece (left), his spots are even brighter once he was sheared, (see right).  Much Ado is already pleasing visitors and walking really well in the team. 

April 2019 - Swiss Valais Blacknose Lambs are here! This year it's been all about the boys, firstly a beautiful chunky boy called Sweep (that's him on the right), then along came Lenny (on the left, Lena is his mum and we think he might stay here), then Wilbur was a 21st birthday present for Liberty (he's going to a great home locally), then the lovely Mickey (Minnie's baby) - hurray for this year's babies! - We will be saying goodbye to the Big Daddy of them all, lovely Warborne Eros (pictured with Stuart below) has been bought as a show ram and we'll be keeping an eye on his progress.  We have waiting lists for rams, wethers and ewe lambs - contact us if you'd like more information on this very special breed of sheep - the cutest sheep in the world!

April 2019 - Hey it's April 1st, Woolley Animals have bought a Llama, is this a joke????

This is Levi, he's a beautiful Llama that's come from Watertown Llamas to fulfil the job of Head of the Herd to lead from the front.  Levi is going to be Stuart's buddy and will lead all the walks.  He'll help us to teach you about the differences between Llamas and Alpacas (and he's very cute!)

March 2019 - Our bottle feeding babies are back.... this is China, she's cute (sadly her mum didn't think so), China was really fed up, so she lived in a cardboard box in our kitchen until she was feeling better - now China and her friends have lots of fun welcoming the visitors to our animal experience!  Bottle feeding is seasonal until babies grow up.....


February 2019 - Woolley Animals is moving !

We are pleased to announce that Woolley Animals will be relocating in 2019 and will have more to offer.  We won't be detracting from our current offer of providing small, tailored, animal experiences.  However, if you want to stay a little bit longer, you can.... we are investing in a farm with a campsite and holiday cottages so that you can get really involved in farm life!  It's just up the road from our current location in beautiful North Devon. We are aiming to be open later in 2019, watch our website and facebook page for updates.

August 2018 - Woolley Animals are pleased to confirm great progress of the new alpaca walking team.  These boys have been a real hit with visitors, they're cute, cuddly and they love carrots (except Jeff - he doesn't like any vegetables!). If you want to come and walk Jeff and his friends, give us a call on 01769 520300

June 2018 - Introducing the Baby Team!

Woolley Animals are pleased to announce the arrival of 13 beautiful alpaca boys (the B team) who will be in charge of walking duties for Summer 2018 while Dartagnan and his friends have a well deserved rest.  Phoenix, Kopper, Leo, Bertie, Max, Eric, Ernie, Norman, Sid, Elvis, Jeff, Rufus and Tiny Tim look forward to meeting everyone!

16th June 2018 - This morning our lovely ewe Lena gave birth to twins, both are girls and both doing really well.  She is always a good mum and these two will be just fine!  Here they are shortly after birth getting the alpaca seal of approval from Yeti, Saturn and George! 

May 2018 - Our annual shearing took place on Wednesday 16th May conducted by Garry Naish of Oak View Alpacas supported by Chris, Stuart and our friend Erik.  The boys love getting their coats off and then rolling in some D earth which helps them improve their coat condition. They do look a bit strange for a little while though.....

2nd May 2018 - Violet and her kids !

So this morning our clever girl Violet gave birth to two little kids, one boy and one girl called Pickle & Lily.  She is a beautiful Golden Guernsey Goat with a lovely nature and her babies are adorable.  Welcome to the world kids!

March 2018 and the start of Spring lambing....

This is the start of our Spring lambing season and we are due to have baby lambs and goat kids around for a few months.  We start with the Devon & Cornwall Longwools, it's our first season with these and the handsome Buster on the left is a lovely ram so we're hoping if his lambs are half as good as him they will be gorgeous!  Day one, 20th March and lamb cam is on but nothing much is happening.....


March 2018 - Lambs v Goats

Earlier in the year we welcomed Harry Potter's lambs to use for bottle feeding.  Lambs don't stay little for long and these little boys and girls went off to another farm to be reared on.  In their place we have introduced the goat kids, Horace, Will-I-Am, Tom, Douglas, Stanley and Mickey, these little fellas know how to bring a smile to our guests faces.  Come along to the animal experience if you want to meet them.... 

March 2018 - Goodbye to Alfie ! 

This month we said goodbye to our lovely pedigree pygmy boy Alfie.  Alfie came to us originally to keep Anthony company and has done us proud.  He is a stunningly marked boy with great horns who would do well in the show ring.  We don't have time to show him and we felt he would be better in a home where he might have that opportunity.  We are so pleased Alicia and her family agreed to give Alfie a 5* home in South Devon, we will miss his character but we're happy as we've heard he's already found a new girlfriend!


February 2018 - Walking team expands......  

We are pleased to confirm that following successful training completion, these two beauties are available for walking, first on the left the lovely Ziggy Stardust and on the right the beautiful 6 month old Saturn.  We now have 14 out of 15 of our lovely boys available for walking, come on Rocket your turn next!


February 2018 - we said goodbye to four of our Valais ewe lambs.  Two fantastic homes but both in Wales - thanks to Sharon & Andy and Ian at Owl Farm for giving them all great new homes !

30th January 2018 - today we said goodbye to the last two of our six milk goats, Onetag and Hairy.  They are going to be pets live at Pitt Farm Holiday Cottages where they will provide entertainment for guests along with their pet goat, pigs and alpacas.  What a great life they will have there!  Thanks to Pete & Sue for making them part of their family. 

January 2018 - Building Work progress !

Our biggest objective for this year was to get the lamb shed finished in time for our lambing season.  Mr Woolley has done a fine job building this shed in between all the other stuff he has to do!  No sooner had we got it finished our neighbour asked for help to house some of his lambs for a few days so here is the progress and it's already in full occupation!  This is where you'll meet some of our cutest new recruits....

January 2018 - It's lambing season! 

As baby bottle feeding is always popular with guests we have some new orphan lambs who will be our early bottle feeding team.  They are called Harry, Ron, Hermione, George, Fred, Neville, Bellatrix, Luna, Hagrid, Myrtle and Dobbie.  So, if you're coming to take part in our animal experience soon then expect an overload of cuteness and a baby to cuddle and feed !


December 2017 - we promised something out of this world and here they are, three new arrivals, Baby Saturn 5 months old and his friends Ziggy Stardust and Trojan Rocket who are joining us on loan in between their stud duties!  All three boys will be in training for our walking team and we hope they will be available for you in 2018

November 2017 - Tupping time ....

Well it's tupping time again at Woolley Animals. All our boys and girls are very pleased to meet each other again.  This year we are hoping for pedigree Valais Blacknose lambs, pedigree Ryelands and pedigree Devon & Cornwall Longwools along with some cross breeds.  Here's a picture of our Valais ram Roger from last year preparing to meet his ladies.  Roger is on standby this year and his friend Bob is taking a turn ..... Looking forward to some lovely babies from March 2018 onwards!

November 2017 - Ringo Woolley, RIP

Unfortunately, this month we lost our lovely boy Ringo.  Ringo was a natural leader and was a huge part of our alpaca walks.  He was only 3 years old and died very peacefully with us both there for a last cuddle.  Thank you all for sharing your memories and photos of this lovely boy.

RIP Ringo, never forgotten xx

October 2017 - Percy's progress

This is Minnie's second twin lamb who was born without muscle strength in his back legs.  He has been having regular physiotheraphy on his specially made gym and hydrotherapy in our kitchen sink. Percy is being handreared by us - we will keep you updated on his progress

October 2017 - more baby news!

This month Minnie gave birth to twin lambs.  Minnie is a great mum to baby Oreo but sadly she has rejected her second lamb Percy.  Percy was second to arrive and was born without the use of his back legs although he is improving.  Mum will be left to care for Oreo and Percy who is an orphan will be hand reared.

September 2017 - Baby lamb time !

On Friday 29th September we were pleased to welcome this little one, we call her 'Autumn'.  Another baby for Roger & Lena.  Mum and baby doing very well and Autumn who is super cute and friendly will be available to buy once weaned.

August 2017 - Welcome Holly

Holly is our latest recruit to Woolley Animals, she is a New Zealand Huntaway which are mainly used for sheep and cattle herding. 

Find out more about her on the meet the dogs page or here

July 2017 - Welcome Barnaby

Welcome to the gang.... Barnaby Woolley.  Barnaby is a four year old tuxedo grey alpaca and he is gorgeous.  Barnaby has recently retired as a stud boy and come to join our walking team.  He's finding his feet but already walking with visitors. Check out his profile in the meet the alpacas page, we guarantee you'll fall in love with this boy!

May 2017 - look new babies!

These two cuties are Beau on the left and Iris on the right - named after two very special little girls we know.  They are very cute pygmy goats, getting used to lots of visitors and they seem to like it here!

April 2017 - Welcome Big Al and Little Arfar

Big Al and Little Arfar joined us recently from a lovely breeder in Liskeard.  We are so happy to receive these boys who are proving to be favourite walkers.  Big Al is an appalloosa boy with markings so stunning he looks like a giraffe!  Arfar is a small chap, he was born premature so he isn't going to get much bigger than this!  Welcome to the Woolley family Big Al and Arfar ...

3rd April 2017 Exciting news!!

In true Woolley Animals style, we went to collect one and came back with two today! A big thank you to Bev James at Morwellham Golden Guernseys for letting us have her beautiful goatling Violet and her 'nephew' who will be company for Little Dec. Introducing, baby Jack (Rabbit)....check out his ears! 

Little Jack Rabbit

Auntie Violet

22nd March 2017

Naughty Mrs 74 and Mrs 88 who escaped to see Rodger 10 days early have given birth to 2 sets of Valais cross lambs.

13th March 2017 - Introducing Little Dec

Exciting news this week at Woolley Animals.....We have a new Goat called Little Dec. He is only 2 weeks old and still being bottle fed so if you are lucky enough to visit us in the next few weeks you can have a cuddle whilst feeding him.

Little Dec is a Golden Guernsey wether and will become one of the Woolley Animals walking team supporting Ant in the future. 

6th March 2017 - Introducing Dobbie, Big Ears, Spock and Yoda

New to Woolley animals 4 orphan lambs, if you are visiting in the next month or so you will get chance to bottle feed them.

As you can see they are already getting lots of cuddles.

6th February 2017 - Introducing Kevin & Perry

These are orphan lambs, Kevin (the spotty one!) and Perry who came to us from a local farm where the mother had triplets and couldn't feed them all.  Our visitors are doing a great job helping with bottle feed duties!

Fun,feeding time and cuddles with the lambs.

If you have booked a walk with us in the next few weeks you may get the chance to bottle feed Albert or Victoria.

So while we were all listening to Simon Mayo's drivetime, this was going on in the lamb shed and we have been joined by two more Valais lambs (twins for Roger and Eliza), one of each Bonnie & Clyde! Our first ewe lamb, hooray!

The goats have a new home complete with play area, it even has a nursery for any orphan lambs!!

16th January 2017

We collected George but...Cathy took a fancy to Yeti so we came home with him too.

After looking at his breeding, he is actually Gonzo's half brother.

15th January 2017

The goat boys have been joined by a girl!!!

Meet our latest recruit to the walking team, and she is hopefully with kid.

8th January 2017

Woolley Animals are proud to announce the latest arrival to their flock. The first baby of the year a lovely Swiss Valais ram lamb, his name is Albert...

...well done Roger and Lena!

6th January

Please welcome our newest arrivals .... Alvin and Alfie! Half the size of Ant but he seems to like them... 

6th January 2017

Something exciting is happening in the paddock today, amongst the rain and mud, Dragon is hoping for new friends.....?

4th January 2017

Owning a large number of animals means we get to see happy and sad times regularly. Stuart & I are very sad to report this week the loss of our lovely Pygmy goat 'Dec'. Ant & Dec, 6 month old twin brothers were fantastic characters, an important part of our animal walking team and have made a big impression on everyone with their antics, climbing on the shed and eating the flowers! Ant has become Stuart's shadow and we are making sure he gets lots of attention while we find him another friend.
RIP Dec, thank you for making us laugh! - Cathy x

17th December 2016

We're very excited today at little Teddy, just 3 weeks after arriving and he is walking beautifully on his lead.  He came out for a full walk today with some lovely visitors and then spent the afternoon meeting and greeting new friends at Winkleigh.  The kids there loved feeding him and he was a very good boy! Pleased to say he will be available for walking very soon... come and meet him!

27th November

Really exciting day when we brought home baby Teddy Edward.  He is just six months old and just left mum so we will make sure he gets lots of love from us.  He has taken a liking to Dartagnan which is really sweet and he follows him everywhere!  Lucky people walking tomorrow will be the first to have cuddles with this gorgeous boy...

5th November 

there may be fireworks everywhere but it's all good here.  We've just introduced 3 beautiful Ryeland ewe lambs. These little beauties are resting in the orchard with Ant & Dec at the moment as the ram is in with the ladies. They will become part of our breeding flock next Autumn and they are cracking little cuties, come and meet them soon!

October 24th

Another great weekend at Woolley animals, A lovely walk and a 4 hour experience which included Red getting a bit confused rounding up the sheep! foot trimming and dagging some of the Swiss Valais. We met some lovely people who had a great time and said they will be back with their extended family

October 16th

We are very excited to announce the arrival of little Ant and Dec to the Woolley Animals walking team.  so, if you are too little to walk an alpaca, don't worry the boys are waiting for you to take them instead!  Like all our boys, Ant & Dec are available by appointment only. 

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September 1st

Introducing the newest member of the Woolley Animals walking team, lovely little Fererro. He is a two year old intact male which we will be using in the walking team and showing around the county next year. Fererro is very calm, likes to be hand fed carrots and has a super soft fleece. 

Call us if you would like to come and meet him. 

Keep checking back for more news on more recruits!!

August 2016  

We have bought 6 Valais Blacknose sheep the first flock that was imported from Switzerland in 2014. Thanks to Emma

We also have Alpaca and Valais sheep cuddly toys for sale. Please email us for more details